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​Ken Hughes

​Ken Hughes

Leading Consumer & Shopper Behaviourist, CEO Glacier Consulting

Ken Hughes is a renowned expert in consumer behaviour and customer experience, blending insights from cyber psychology, digital anthropology, and economics. A captivating speaker, he focuses on how generational shifts and technology shape consumer trends, making him a pivotal figure in retail strategy discussions.

Ken Hughes is widely recognized as an expert in the fields of consumer behaviour, customer experience, and retail strategy. As a global thought leader, he fuses insights from disciplines like cyber psychology, digital anthropology, and behavioural economics to offer a unique perspective on the evolving marketplace. With over 20 years of experience, Ken has honed his skills in identifying and analysing the underlying factors that drive consumer decisions.

As a sought-after keynote speaker and authority on the consumer experience, Hughes is known for his engaging and energetic presentation style, which features a blend of humour, insightful analysis, and practical examples. His speeches and workshops are tailored to illuminate the connections between consumer behaviour and business strategy, making him a favourite at international conferences, corporate events, and industry seminars.

Ken’s work extends beyond speaking engagements. He is an accomplished author and a part-time university lecturer, and his insights have been instrumental in shaping marketing strategies across various industries. He has also graced the TED stage, where he shared his expertise on how modern technology influences consumer expectations and behaviours.

One of Ken’s notable achievements is his ability to predict consumer trends, particularly how generational shifts influence market dynamics. His expertise is especially relevant in today’s fast-paced digital environment, where understanding the intersection of technology and human behaviour is crucial for business success. His strategic foresight has helped many organisations stay ahead of the curve in a competitive and rapidly changing landscape.

Moreover, Ken’s commitment to understanding the “Blue Dot Consumer” — a term he coined to describe today’s ultra-empowered, connected, and self-centered consumer — underscores his role as a visionary. His research and analyses provide valuable insights into how brands can meaningfully engage with modern consumers by prioritising personalisation, integrity, and experience.

Ken Hughes brings a wealth of knowledge, experience, and enthusiasm to his speaking engagements, offering audiences not only a deeper understanding of consumer psychology but also actionable strategies to harness this knowledge in their business practices. His contributions to consumer research and his innovative approach to marketing make him an invaluable asset to any event focusing on the future of consumer relations and market success.

To book ​Ken Hughes for your event, contact Front Row Speakers on +353 1 485 3991 or email

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